Sharing and research

Sharing and research

The Farmaderbe brand ideally symbolizes the combination of drug and plant, summarizing in a single word the healthy use of medicinal herbs and their derivatives.


We propose a concept of natural well-being with a holistic imprint, to be achieved using traditional herbal products revisited in a contemporary key, food supplements and plant-based cosmetics that respect man and the environment. A complementary therapeutic approach that man has instinctively drawn on since the dawn of civilization, which has never been as precious as today to contribute to the gentle rebalancing of psycho-physical functions through a conscious review of one's eating habits and lifestyle.

Studio e scambio continuo

La moderna fitoterapia è una disciplina medica a tutti gli effetti, oggetto di avanzate ricerche mirate a supportare in modo scientifico quanto già intuito dalla tradizione popolare. L’Azienda si avvale di personale qualificato nei settori della farmacia, biologia e nutrizione per mantenersi costantemente aggiornata sugli studi delle proprietà degli attivi di origine vegetale e sulla loro potenziale applicazione nei campi di interesse, sostenendo uno scambio attivo di informazioni con clienti, medici, consulenti ed Istituti Universitari, in una prospettiva di crescita condivisa.

Strict selection

Only a deep knowledge of the subject matter allows you to choose the best raw materials from the most reliable suppliers worldwide, favouring continuous collaboration relationships with support laboratories, validated over time through rigorous quality control processes. We use plants, plant extracts and vitamin-mineral sources carefully selected for the degree of purity, the content of active substances and the total absence of contaminants, to guarantee the consumer a product that is as natural as possible, but characterized by a pharmaceutical quality.


The high level of preparation of our staff allows us to promote serious, transparent, correct and responsible information in favour of all customers, consumers and specialized operators. To keep up with the rapid evolution of the health products market, the Company has also become the promoter and founding member of the Federsalus association, which by statute, history and activity carried out, has quickly established itself as the main reference point for operators in the sector and authoritative reference for national and community Authorities.
