
Cistileve Mannosio 12 bs

Retail price 18 Euro
Cistileve Mannosio 12 bs


Dietary supplement based on D-Mannose and Cranberry, formulated to give rapid relief to children and adults in case of uncomfortable disorders of the urinary tract. Its selected ingredients sustain the physiological elimination of pathogens, stimulate the draining of fluids and naturally promote the body’s natural defences.


Active ingredients for 2 sachets: D-Mannose 1000 mg, Cranberry fruit dry ext. 240 mg tit. 30% Proanthocyanidins, Elderberry fruit powder 26 mg.

How to use

1 sachet per day for children over six years and 2 sachets daily from age 12 upwards and for adults. Dissolve the contents of the sachet in a glass of water and take between meals.